Friday, February 3, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

Well, yesterday was what I'm hoping to keep as a tradition . . . . thrifty Thursday.  Shopping!  I didn't get much, especially not much on my list inspired by Pinterest, but I got one thing I've been seeking for quite some time - a cake stand.  Not for cakes (silly!), but for putting next to the sink to keep the soaps on (as seen on Pinterest). 

Today I did some bargain shopping at Big Lots.  Picked up some yarn, cleaning supplies (wipes for electronics, since I discovered a baby-sized handprint or two on the TV last night), some foam brushes, and a vinyl shower curtain liner and some silver shower curtain rings. 

We're about 90% of the way done with both of our bathroom projects.  Bathroom #1 (called such because it was the first project and because you're only allowed to go #1 in it) was originally a "need to fix" project because of a leaky sink . . . . a leaky sink that resulted in a floor being torn up and plaster walls being torn out. That was about 3 years ago?  We've finally got almost everything finished in there, with only a few functional/glamorous additions remaining (towel rack, a shelf on the wall, wall art, etc) before it's 100%. 

Bathroom #2 (so named because it was the second bathroom project and because it has a window so you're allowed to go #2 in it) was my idea of a quick weekend project inspired by seeing paint chipping on the ceiling.  Just a quick little project, right? Buy some paint, pretty up the cabinet, get some new towels to match, right?  Ahem.  Well, that paint on the ceiling was chipping because it was latex paint that was put over enamel or oil (I learned while trying to scrape it).  So another quick trip to the hardware store, or seven (one because I didn't have my wallet, another because after I got my wallet, I didn't have my debit card in it) and I got some paint stripper.  Three applications later, the #2 bathroom ceiling was down to the plaster, and we were good to go.  I'm pretty excited about this one, because 99% of the work has been done by yours truly, and it's some sort of deep Rosie the Riveter pride thing.  The paint is on the walls/ceiling/cabinet and now we just need to reattach the doors (I am going to request hubby's assistance with that) and look into some sort of updated flooring.

Tonight's recipe is Pinterest-inspired (and my Facebook recipe group inspired): Spicy Dr. Pepper Shredded Pork from  It's smelling pretty incredible in the slow cooker.

Tomorrow I think little man and I are going to do some fingerpaints (provided I find/buy some food coloring) and I will hopefully get some photos up!

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