Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hell hath no fury ...

A conversation in my house last week:

Me: Hey, look at this thing from Pinterest. Cool, huh?
My husband: Uh huh. *pause* I'm sorry I don't get as into Pinterest as you do. I think it's a cool idea, and I like the things you do from it, but . . . I think you just have to have a uterus.
 I'm a Pinterest addict.  But it's a functional addiction.  I've become more productive around the house because I know I need to get the things I NEED to do finished before I can allow myself to do the things I WANT to do.  
My husband is an enabler.  He specifically said last week, "I've cleaned out the coat closet, so if you have any Pinterest things you want to do to it, go for it."  That's love.   

This blog is an attempt to chronicle my epic successes and failures in attempting to create every single craft I see on Pinterest, every recipe, every project.  

Hell hath no fury like a woman addicted to Pinterest.